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How Many Macros Should I Eat While Pregnant

This is another one of the frequently asked questions I get from all of you. I love having this platform to answer all the questions, and really go into more detail! Like so many women (myself included), the thought of pregnancy and breastfeeding can bring 'weight gain' to mind, and ignite some anxiety with how much, and how we can keep it to a healthy minimum. There is a way!

As always, when discussing nutrition, everyone is different when it comes to their bodies and what they need. So consulting with your doctor is highly recommended on what is right for you while pregnant or breastfeeding. When I get the question about macro counting during these times, or starting one of my programs, and if it's okay, I say it absolutely is! I recommend the IHM Method. The Cut would put you in too much of a deficit; while with the Method, we can custom tailor it to you and your needs.

Let's first tackle Pregnancy Nutrition.

There are several factors to consider when it comes to daily caloric intake as well as daily activity level during this time. It's best to consider what your pre-pregnancy weight and activity level were. It's obviously not ideal to lose weight during this time, so I take into account if you were/are considered a 'normal or average' weight range pre-pregnancy. Also, if you were a daily gym goer, or had little to no activity pre-pregnancy, etc. Again, make sure to discuss weight loss and gain with your doctor before beginning any program!

Despite those sayings and myths that pregnancy means you're "eating for two"..... You actually only need to increase your calories by about 300-350 calories per day. That's equivalent to about two glasses of skim milk and a bowl of oatmeal (not the all-you-can-eat sundae bar you may have been envisioning). And that's only into the second trimester. A calorie increase in the first trimester is not typically needed. The third trimester it is recommended to increase calories to 500 extra calories per day. However, this is all based on doctors recommendations and if you're gaining weight at an ideal rate. As far as activity level and gym visits go during pregnancy- my doctor always told me that if I was doing it before, then it's okay to continue on the same work out regime, but to listen to my body on when to slow down or take a break. It is not recommended to increase your activity level or intensity during pregnancy in an attempt to combat pregnancy weight gain.

Breastfeeding/Nursing Nutrition.

Listening to your body is huge with while nursing. You don't need a crazy amount of calories in order to maintain a full milk supply. However, you should not cut calories so much that you notice a drop in your milk supply. Your body will literally indicate to you if something is wrong via your supply and the way you feel so make sure to pay close attention to those signals. Studies have shown that most healthy breastfeeding women maintain an abundant milk supply while taking in 1800-2200 (or more) calories per day. Consuming less than 1500-1800 calories per day (most women should stay at the high end of this range) may put your milk supply at risk, as may a sudden drop in caloric intake. I also recommend keeping your caffeine and supplement intake to a minimum while nursing. Pre-workout or several cups of coffee a day should be avoided until you're done nursing. So basically, a good rule of thumb is- if you 'couldn't' have it while pregnant, you should keep that going while nursing on things to avoid.  And just in case you forgot, definitely consult with your doctor before deciding to diet while nursing!

For all of these reasons, I always suggest the i heart macros (IHM) method. You can find more information on the program HERE on my website. This would be the best program because it includes:

  • iHeart Macros Method Programing Guide

  • New way to look at Macro Counting

  • Meal Plan(s) Examples (High Fat day - High Carb day)

  • Food Source (List of Food options)

  • Macro Friendly Recipes

  • Email access

  • Personal protein and calorie numbers set just for you and your goals

  • Weekly Check-Ins

  • Weekly gym workout program with videos

How Many Macros Should I Eat While Pregnant
