New "Kung Fu - The Legend Continues" Fanfiction Archive online

Deb Walsh started a new Archive for KFTLC Fanfiction. With the 20th anniversary coming up next year she is trying to get as much of the fandom's works online as possible. So if you are a writer yourself or know anyone who is, get in contact with Deb at:

Thanks Deb for starting this :)

Shadow Assassin (68)

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Bridging the Gap contact

Hi, I was one of the contributors to that zine.

I'd like to let Deb Walsh put the story up on her website so I'm trying to reach the editor, monica.

If you know her can you pass this on?


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Re: Bridging the Gap contact


thanks for your message and sure I will pass it on :)

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Re: Bridging the Gap contact

Hi LCW - My e-mail is - I apparently needed to fix the mailto link on the page, and just did that.

Stybz (editor of Bridging the Gap) has her own KF:TLC web site, which I thoroughly recommend - the URL is She has an e-mail address posted there. If that doesn't work, drop me an e-mail - I'm friends with her on FB.

Generally, permission to post a story is specific to the author - most zines have some note saying that following publication, right revert back to the author, or the author holds the copyright. Most zine editors consider that a year, or two at the most, after publication of a zine, the author has the right to post their story anywhere they choose.

Hope that helps! The more the merrier in FuFic - and if anyone has KF:TLC stories posted in locations I haven't yet listed on the Fu Fiction Links page at - please let me know. My goal is to map out as much of our Fu fiction heritage as possible and make it more accessible to everyone. I'm happy to host the stories, and I'm equally happy to provide links to them.



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Re: Bridging the Gap contact

I just tried the link and ran into a very aggressive ad which forced me to reboot my system. Thanks for the tip though.

I think I'll put it up with Deb. As you say - the more the merrier.

Thanks folks!

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Re: Bridging the Gap contact

You`re welcome and I hope your story will be up soon :)

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Re: Bridging the Gap contact

Thanks Deb :)

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Ahhh, I've come up with a whole season following 'Requiem'. :D With a closure on everyone, including matchmaking in the end Skallany with Martin Bradshaw. :p I should write it down at some point... :D

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Looking for story

Hi. I really enjoy reading your KFTLC stories. I've been looking for one story. Maybe you or someone can help me. So from what I can remember, it's after Peter takes the brands ans Caine leaves. A woman comes looking for help, I think she's the Emperor's sister and her and Peter get together. Any help would be appreciated

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Re: Looking for story

Thank you :) If I come across this story, I will let you know.

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